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We need all of our people to understand the TRUE Facts, not Facebook and Twitter propaganda! Get the facts here if you have a question "Contact US" and let us know. We also have free classes to reduce the wealth gap for people of color.

Is there really a Black White Income Gap?

Yes, the difference in median household incomes between white and black Americans has grown from about $23,800 in 1970 to roughly $33,000 in 2018. Median black household income was ONLY 61% of median white household income in 2018. (Pew Research Center)

Is there inequality in policing and police killing Black Men?

US police killings per 1 million population

Black people are 2.5-times more likely to be killed by police than white people.







Average annual police homicide rate in the US between 1 Jan 2013 and 31 Dec 2019.

(Source: Mapping Police Violence)

Is there inequality in Social and economic circumstances between Blacks and Whites?

Black vs. white: Social and economic circumstances.

White College graduate rate 42.1% vs. Black College graduate rate 22.8%

Job Resumes with traditional White-sounding names received 50% more call backs than those with "ethnic" sounding names

When convicted of the same crime Black men receive a sentence 19% longer than White men

Whites and Blacks use drugs at the same % Rate but Blacks are 6X (times) more likely to be arrested for it

Poverty Rate (Whites) 8.8% vs. Poverty Rate (Blacks) 21.8%

Home Ownership Rate (Whites) 71.1% vs. Home Ownership Rate (Blacks) 41.2%

Infant Mortality Rate (Whites) 4.9 (per 1,000 births) vs. Infant Mortality Rate (Blacks) 11.4 (per 1,000 births)

Life expectancy at birth (Whites) 79 years vs. (Blacks) 75.5 years

Source: Economic Policy Institute

Is there Institutional Racism that impacts Black Economics?

African-Americans are far more likely to be “unbanked” over 18%— that is, having no traditional bank or checking account — compared to other races. Whereas the white population has an unbanked rate of 3.3%, according to a Federal Reserve Bank Study.

Black car buyers face higher costs at the dealership. A 2018 National Fair Housing Alliance Study found that 62.5% of better-qualified non-white (Black) car testers were offered more costly financing options, and the difference would have mean they’d pay over $2,600 more than their white counterparts over the life of the auto loan.

Auto insurance cost more in Black neighborhoods. A 2015 Consumer Report indicates that drivers in predominantly African-American neighborhoods pay 70% higher rates for car insurance than drivers in mostly white areas.

The proportion of black families with zero or negative net worth was 37% in 2018, compared to 15.5% for white families.

Median net worth for white families in America was about $171,000 in 2018 or nearly 10X (times) that of black families ($17,150).

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